
Showing posts from 2017

Smoke Lovers... Its all for you!!!

Smoke gives a kind of pleasure, relief from stress and many more may be... In our everyday lives for sure we knew at least one smoke lover. Though I don't smoke, this is my experience with my smoking friends around. Knowingly and unknowingly smoking habits affects all of us. Here I'm penning my experience of smoke impact. I have migraine problem. I'm trying all my possibilities to avoid getting migraine. I have done life style changes, change in eating habits. Below are few which I completely stopped. No cholocates No ice cream No packed food or snacks No aerated drinks Here are my lifestyle change 1 hour of brisk work out morning at least 4 days in a week Early to bed, early to rise Home cooked food. All credits to my family. Special mention to my husband and mom-in-law, who makes sure of my home cooked food. No to all possible medicines. I always prefer to follow home remedy or natural therapies though they take longer time to give me relief wh

Instant Face Pack for Blackheads

Here I'm sharing my simple and instant face pack to remove blackheads and keep face skin healthy. Needs only three main ingredients from your kitchen pantry. I have been using this regularly for the past 3 months weekly once. This pack healed my pimple marks and removed blackheads. Ingredients Rice Flour - 1 table spoon Organic Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tea spoon Lemon - medium size Rose Water (Optional) Neem leave paste (Optional) Procedure Make paste using 1 table spoon for organic Rice flour,  1/2 tea spoon of   turmeric powder,   juice of half lemon .  Use sufficient amount of rose water or normal water and make fine paste.  Optional, if wish add paste of fresh neem leaves to the paste Apply it on clean face and let it dry Moisture your face with water, gently rub in circular motion and wash it off using warm water. Do not use hot water. Benefits Following are the benefits I experience over regular usage for 3 months with frequency of weekly onc

Eye Care for Tired Eyes

My story of discomfort in my eyes  I'm a Software Engineer by profession. As any other software professional, I too spend lot of time sitting in front of computer. Off late I have been complaining about mild pain in the eye, not being able to see bright display especially projector display for not more the 15 minutes. Few months back, this discomfort in my eyes become severe to an extend that I was unable to see computer screen not more than ten minutes. Visited multiple hospitals and every where I heard the same "COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME" and "DRY EYES" . All the doctors I have visited prescribed me tear drops to be used 3 to 4 times a day and no end time mentioned for its usage. This drops are supposed to prevent the eyes getting dry. As soon as the doctors suggested that this drops can be used life long and as and when I have discomfort in my eyes, I have decided that I am not going to use it for life long. Eye Massage  Then I googled lot about &

Small Onion Hair Pack to Stop Hair Loss

This is how I reduced my hair loss In the past one year I have lost lot of hair like never before. I have tried lot of home remedies like castor oil massage, methi pack, curry leave pack etc. Finally tried small onion pack for the past four weeks and started seeing results already. The amount of hair I loss during every day has reduced.. So feeling happy about it. I will continue this to keep the hair healthy. Ingredient Small Onion / Shallot / Sambar Onion - 1 hand full Procedure Peel the onions and grid to a fine paste in mixer without adding any water.  Apply the paste to the scalp and gently massage with finger tips.  Leave it on the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes.  Wash it with mild shampoo or Shikakai. Frequency I applied once a week. This pack can be applied once in three days too. 

Healthy Millet Snack Ball using Solam/Jowar and Kambu/Bajra

Ever since my childhood most of my snacks are made by mom and granny. In Indian cuisine there are plenty of snacks that can be made at home very easily. During my childhood various millets were part of our family regular food. Importantly Solam and Kambu.  So here I'm posting my millet snack ball recipe. Main Ingredients to this snack is Solam and Kambu in Hindi Jowar and Bajra respectively Scientific Name: Sorghum , Tamil: Solam, Hindi: Jowar, Telugu: Jonna, Kannada: Jola, Malayalam: Cholum Scientific Name: Pennisetum glaucum , English: Pearl millet, Tamil: Kambu, Hindi: Bajra, Telugu: sajjalu, Kannada: Sajje, Malayalam: Kambam Ingredients I have used Palm Jaggery as sweetner. You can replace this with regular sugar. Making of Millet Snack Dry roast Solam/Jowar, Kambu/Bajra, Fried gram separately. Solam/Jowar will start popping as pop corn while dry roasting, so do pay attention while roasting it. Do not over roast, just stop roasting while the nice a

Rose Powder for Face and Skin

Paneer Rose Paneer rose is most popular Indian variety rose. It has magical mild fragrance. I love eating the petals of it. Now I keep collecting this flower and allow it to dry naturally under shade. Dry grind it using mixer or by stone grinding it. Filter and grind few times to get fine powder. This fine rose powder can be used as regular facial powder, face pack. I use the fine powder as my regular facial powder, the rose granules goes into my bath powder. Rose Powder This rose powder can be used as  Regular facial powder Face pack Bath powder

DIY Home Made Bath Powder

DIY Home Made Bath Powder In India, Home made bath powders are always encouraged since ancient times. Making our own Home made bath powder is very simple with readily available ingredients from our kitchen pantry. We can alter the proportions of the ingredients as per our preferences. Anything home made is harmless as we know what we are preparing. In this mix, neem leaf powder and turmeric powder are best remedy for all type of skin allergies. So adding them to our regular bath powder gives us best protection from any skin infection. Turmeric powder adds glow to our skin. Rose powder add beautiful fragrance. This bath powder makes our skin feel fresh, glow and keeps body odour away. Bath Powder Ingredients Making of Bath Powder Mentioned ingredients and its proportion can be alter to our preference. Neem leaf powder and Paneer rose powder are optional. Mix all the mentioned ingredients in a clean dry bowl and store it in a container. Best to prepare for once in a mont

Uses of Castor Oil

Here is how Castor Oil playing important role in regular routine. Though I knew Castor Oil and seen its several usages from childhood, but some how I forgot to use it in my kitchen in the beginning. For sure our lifestyle changes and health often reminds you to get back to your roots. Such instances made me to kick start it again. Right now following are my usages of Castor oil 1. As Cooking Ingredient While making plain toor dal (uppu parrupu recipe in tamil) along with jeera, red chilli, pepper, turmeric powder, I will just add 1 table spoon of castor oil in it. This addition will enhance the taste and also avoid the over flow of dal when it is not pressure cooked i.e when cooked in open vessel or pot. Use it as thickening agent in all pulli kulambu recipes i.e tamarind based vegetarian curries. I do not prefer adding coconut in my curries just to make it thick, so I add 1 table spoon of castor oil to the recipe 5 mins before getting it off from the stove. 2. As Massa

Castor Oil for Migraine

Castor Oil for Migraine This is based on my and my mom's personal experience. Both of us suffer from Migraine every now and then. Recently while mom had severe headache on a different aspect I have put a drop of castor oil to her both the eyes. Next day morning she was so relieved from her usual headache pain. Castor oil did its best of reducing the pain 90%, what else a migraine sufferer would ask for. Rest 10% is completely bearable pain. None of us knew before that castor oil can be a remedy of migraine.  Then immediately I have decided that I will certainly follow this. In the past 4 times I have used Castor oil as an eye drops as preventive medicine. I will feel little uncomfortableness like eye tiredness, sensitive to sound smell etc. By knowing these symptoms I have used Castor oil as an eye drops before going to sleep and certainly that helped me a lot.  I should mention that castor oil eye drops is not very pleasant to eyes. It will give you a slight burning li