Smoke Lovers... Its all for you!!!

Smoke gives a kind of pleasure, relief from stress and many more may be...

In our everyday lives for sure we knew at least one smoke lover. Though I don't smoke, this is my experience with my smoking friends around.

Knowingly and unknowingly smoking habits affects all of us. Here I'm penning my experience of smoke impact.

I have migraine problem. I'm trying all my possibilities to avoid getting migraine. I have done life style changes, change in eating habits. Below are few which I completely stopped.

  1. No cholocates
  2. No ice cream
  3. No packed food or snacks
  4. No aerated drinks

Here are my lifestyle change

  1. 1 hour of brisk work out morning at least 4 days in a week
  2. Early to bed, early to rise
  3. Home cooked food. All credits to my family. Special mention to my husband and mom-in-law, who makes sure of my home cooked food.
  4. No to all possible medicines. I always prefer to follow home remedy or natural therapies though they take longer time to give me relief when compared to instant relief from allopathy medicines.
Thinking how this is it related to smoke lovers. Here is how smoke lovers brings their impact to me.

Recent instance

That was a day for me with low energy level, and it so happened to have a small discussion with a person, who came after a smoke. From the beginning of the discussion, I had little discomfort with the smoke smell and with in 5 mins I had all symptoms of migraine. With in an hour, I had to swallow a tablet to keep my pain under control. I had taken tablet because I can't afford taking sick leave to office the next day. Though I had taken tablet and got my pain under control, it was so uncomfortable physically and mentally the whole day.  For some it may sound so simple, what is big deal about taking a tablet. But for one who strives to lead a healthy life and doesn't want to have any side effect, its a big deal.

Another instance

Smoking zone is exactly out of my office compound walls. I always struggle to wait near there for auto, cab or for any reason more than a minute. The smoke really suffocate me and impact of it is migraine. I literally have to hold my breathe or close my nose and stand there. As a respect I used to get a awful look from fellow smoke lovers that I'm over acting. Oh my dear smoke lovers, that is not me over acting. That is me trying to save my day with out getting migraine.

Suffering from migraine is not only the suffering for me, it is also the suffering for my family as well. I'm sure all migraine sufferers would completely understand the pain that I'm trying to express here.

I couldn't convince my self of this suffering which is a complete mistake of some one's smoking habit. I often go through this in restaurants, bus stops etc. 

I skip many social dinners with colleagues and friends, because of smoke smell discomfort. But I cannot avoid work place and other public places every day.

I know I'm not the only one to suffer from smoke indirectly. So here is my request to all my smoking friends and colleagues to reduce and quit smoking. Your small step towards this quit smoke initiative will benefit many people surrounding you.

In my recent friends meet up, I asked one of my friend who is having smoking habit. He said he is trying to quit smoking and he was telling his experience about how difficult this process is. I could completely understand his difficulty, as I'm struggling hard to quit my too much of tea drinking habit. I should admit, that I'm a tea addict. In a stressful work day, I go easily more than 10 tea. I'm still struggling every day to keep my tea count within 3. I'm sure I will get my tea count under control soon :) :)


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