Uses of Castor Oil

Here is how Castor Oil playing important role in regular routine. Though I knew Castor Oil and seen its several usages from childhood, but some how I forgot to use it in my kitchen in the beginning. For sure our lifestyle changes and health often reminds you to get back to your roots. Such instances made me to kick start it again. Right now following are my usages of Castor oil

1. As Cooking Ingredient

While making plain toor dal (uppu parrupu recipe in tamil) along with jeera, red chilli, pepper, turmeric powder, I will just add 1 table spoon of castor oil in it. This addition will enhance the taste and also avoid the over flow of dal when it is not pressure cooked i.e when cooked in open vessel or pot.

Use it as thickening agent in all pulli kulambu recipes i.e tamarind based vegetarian curries. I do not prefer adding coconut in my curries just to make it thick, so I add 1 table spoon of castor oil to the recipe 5 mins before getting it off from the stove.

2. As Massage Oil

Take castor oil and coconut oil in 2:1 proportion, warm it up little in low flame. Apply gently all over the body and massage well. Leave the oil application for minimum half an hour and then have your regular bath. In addition you can add three drops of eucalyptus oil to a bucket of warm bathing water, this will give you a complete refreshed feel to your body. 

3. As Mosquito Repellent 

Castor oil is my mosquito repellent. Take few drops of castor oil and rub it over you body like any other mosquito repellent creams. 

4. As Heel Crack Cream

For the cracks that I get on my heal due to dryness, I apply castor oil to my heel before going to bed and wash it next day morning with little rub to the heel. Continuous application will heel the cracks. This may not be as fast as the commercial crack creams available, but definitely works. For me regular application for a month had resulted me good improvement.

5. As Medicine 

Very effective medicine for migraine headache pain. Check Castor Oil for Migraine for more detail. 

For eye dryness. Give a gentle massage to your eyes with a drop of castor oil and leave it for few hours. Leaving it over night and washing it next morning would also be great.

Promotes hair growth - due to thickness of castor oil applying it as regular hair oil would not be easy. I generally apply castor oil to hair once a week and wash it after few hours. It can also be used over the eye brows, to get thick eye brows. 

For skin rashes - application of castor oil over skin rashes also helped me in reducing the itching and healing quick. 


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