Amazing Health Benefits of Neem

Amazing Health Benefits of Neem

“Neem- the most valuable medicinal tree in the world”

Souce: Dr.Neem Hakim, International Centre for Integrated Herbal Research and Development(ICIHRD) 

In our country India, neem trees are available everywhere. Neem products starting from leaves, flowers, fruits, twigs, seeds and oil are used in ancient medicines. In our modern busy life we forgot the health benefits that it can bring to us.

Medical Applications:




Blood Detoxifier






Eye Disease









Skin diseases



Source: Pamela Paterson, 'Neem the Wonder Tree'

From my school days, when me and my sisters go through any infections, the first medicine my mom used to suggest us is eat few neem leaves daily in empty stomach. I have seen the benefits of it tremendously. So here I thought of sharing some of my experiences here.

Treating Skin Infections: 

Starting from fungal infections, bacterial infections can be cured by regular application of neem leave paste.
In bathing water soak neem leaves over night and use the water for bathing next morning. This can act as natural antiseptic liquid.

Treating Dandruff:

Fresh neem leave paste can be applied to scalp. Leave it for 30min to 1hr according to your convenience. Then wash it off with your regular shampoo.
If you don't have access to fresh neem leave, you can also use neem powder to make paste and apply on scalp.

To Increase Immunity:

Eating couple of neem leaves daily, is said to improve our immune system. Its better to eat in empty stomach.

Treats mouth and tooth problems: 

Traditionally, people chewed neem twigs instead of using toothbrushes. The twig's anti fungal and antibacterial properties are said to help in treating mouth and tooth problems.

Anti Cancer Properties:

There are many articles and studies about neem leaves or its extracts helps in fighting against cancer cells.  Indian Scientists Use Neem Protein to Fight Cancer

Mosquito Repellent:

Neem is anti malarial. By lighting lamps using neem oil or neem oil mixed with other oils acts as natural mosquito repellent in homes and outdoors. Neem leave extracts can be applied directly on the skin, to repel mosquitos from bitting us in outdoor. This article Neem Natural Mosquito Repellent says more about it.


Pregnant women are not advised to consume neem leaves, due to heat producing properties of neem, it may result in affecting fetus.


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