
Quick Home Remedy for Fever

Recently I suffered from fever and with Gods grace got quick recovery with this simple home made remedy drink. So I would to share my experience and reciepe here. Fever Story I woke-up with with pain or stiffness in my foot. So just to make my foot relax did warm coconut oil massage to my legs and foot for 15 mins and then took bath. Started feeling little coldness in the body since the afternoon and night got my temperature higher along with body pain and coldness. Slept with double bedsheet and woke up early morning with body sweating after which temperature has lowered, but was not completely cured. Next day morning prepared this simple home remedy drink in the morning had this multiple times in smaller quantities instead of normal drinking water. By evening I felt much better. Conitned the same for second day and by the evening of second day I'm completely all right. So going forward, I will surely have this as my very first aid drink for fever if it is manageable with th

Importance of exercise

Greetings!!! One morning in this week on my way to exercise routine I saw an uncle who in his sixties doing a brisk walk. Usually, they would be a group of senior citizens who do an early morning walk and stretches together. Today I saw only one among them. But there is no less in his activeness. Then it suddenly made me think how I and others who are probably half or less than half of his age were lazy in doing our daily exercise routine. I'm a person who always wants to do be active physically. Either by completing household work or workout at gym or yoga or walking or jogging. My principle is to do something at least 3 days a week. Being said that I sometimes feel lazy and don't do anything and end-up doing office work which is a desk work during my workout time.    Whenever I skip my workout routine continuously for three days I could feel tiredness physically more. During the similar conversation with some of my friends I learned though they would li

We are What we Think

We are What we Think ( எண்ணம் போல் வாà®´்க்கை ) I have grown listening to this " எண்ணம் போல் வாà®´்க்கை" phrase a lot many times. This is thus registered in mind and I strongly believe it always and seen it happening. The more we keep thinking about it, that thought will make us work towards it until we reach there. Isn't it so nice? In this thinking process, we should cultivate ourselves to think only positivity. The motive of this article is to emphasis on "Positive Thinking", that is the more important key here. This phrase " We are What we Think " ( எண்ணம் போல் வாà®´்க்கை ) is one of my favorite affirmations. This helps in correcting my own thinking process. I strongly understand that we all have our own deep thoughts. When we strongly set sights on for something, we keep thinking nearly it. That makes us produce an effect towards that. We become in view of that sure towards it and it happens. The more we think about it strongly, it so becom

Smoke Lovers... Its all for you!!!

Smoke gives a kind of pleasure, relief from stress and many more may be... In our everyday lives for sure we knew at least one smoke lover. Though I don't smoke, this is my experience with my smoking friends around. Knowingly and unknowingly smoking habits affects all of us. Here I'm penning my experience of smoke impact. I have migraine problem. I'm trying all my possibilities to avoid getting migraine. I have done life style changes, change in eating habits. Below are few which I completely stopped. No cholocates No ice cream No packed food or snacks No aerated drinks Here are my lifestyle change 1 hour of brisk work out morning at least 4 days in a week Early to bed, early to rise Home cooked food. All credits to my family. Special mention to my husband and mom-in-law, who makes sure of my home cooked food. No to all possible medicines. I always prefer to follow home remedy or natural therapies though they take longer time to give me relief wh

Instant Face Pack for Blackheads

Here I'm sharing my simple and instant face pack to remove blackheads and keep face skin healthy. Needs only three main ingredients from your kitchen pantry. I have been using this regularly for the past 3 months weekly once. This pack healed my pimple marks and removed blackheads. Ingredients Rice Flour - 1 table spoon Organic Turmeric Powder - 1/2 tea spoon Lemon - medium size Rose Water (Optional) Neem leave paste (Optional) Procedure Make paste using 1 table spoon for organic Rice flour,  1/2 tea spoon of   turmeric powder,   juice of half lemon .  Use sufficient amount of rose water or normal water and make fine paste.  Optional, if wish add paste of fresh neem leaves to the paste Apply it on clean face and let it dry Moisture your face with water, gently rub in circular motion and wash it off using warm water. Do not use hot water. Benefits Following are the benefits I experience over regular usage for 3 months with frequency of weekly onc

Eye Care for Tired Eyes

My story of discomfort in my eyes  I'm a Software Engineer by profession. As any other software professional, I too spend lot of time sitting in front of computer. Off late I have been complaining about mild pain in the eye, not being able to see bright display especially projector display for not more the 15 minutes. Few months back, this discomfort in my eyes become severe to an extend that I was unable to see computer screen not more than ten minutes. Visited multiple hospitals and every where I heard the same "COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME" and "DRY EYES" . All the doctors I have visited prescribed me tear drops to be used 3 to 4 times a day and no end time mentioned for its usage. This drops are supposed to prevent the eyes getting dry. As soon as the doctors suggested that this drops can be used life long and as and when I have discomfort in my eyes, I have decided that I am not going to use it for life long. Eye Massage  Then I googled lot about &

Small Onion Hair Pack to Stop Hair Loss

This is how I reduced my hair loss In the past one year I have lost lot of hair like never before. I have tried lot of home remedies like castor oil massage, methi pack, curry leave pack etc. Finally tried small onion pack for the past four weeks and started seeing results already. The amount of hair I loss during every day has reduced.. So feeling happy about it. I will continue this to keep the hair healthy. Ingredient Small Onion / Shallot / Sambar Onion - 1 hand full Procedure Peel the onions and grid to a fine paste in mixer without adding any water.  Apply the paste to the scalp and gently massage with finger tips.  Leave it on the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes.  Wash it with mild shampoo or Shikakai. Frequency I applied once a week. This pack can be applied once in three days too.