Importance of exercise


One morning in this week on my way to exercise routine I saw an uncle who in his sixties doing a brisk walk. Usually, they would be a group of senior citizens who do an early morning walk and stretches together. Today I saw only one among them. But there is no less in his activeness. Then it suddenly made me think how I and others who are probably half or less than half of his age were lazy in doing our daily exercise routine.

I'm a person who always wants to do be active physically. Either by completing household work or workout at gym or yoga or walking or jogging. My principle is to do something at least 3 days a week.
Being said that I sometimes feel lazy and don't do anything and end-up doing office work which is a desk work during my workout time.  Whenever I skip my workout routine continuously for three days I could feel tiredness physically more.

During the similar conversation with some of my friends I learned though they would like to get up the morning for an exercise routine, then when the alarm goes on the morning, we just do not want to wake up and would love to continue the sleep. The preference of sleeping takes precedence over getting up early for work out. Then I immediately said there are many like me who thinks the same while getting up the morning.

But once we get used to being active in the mornings, the pleasure of it is very different and I simply love that joy. I will act and brisk throughout the day.
It doesn’t only make you feel active throughout the day, but it also keeps us in good health. In this today’s fast-moving world, being healthy is a very good wealth that all of us would like to possess. Nothing comes for easy and free, and so the health. So it is very important for us to be healthy for which exercise and eating right is the primary key to it.

Workout and eating right is very important for all age groups, being it for kids, teens, adults, and seniors. Every one of us needs our own share of exercise and being active.

So, find out your simple and easy way of doing exercise and being active. If nothing just start with brisk walking and do it continuously for three weeks on your own schedule, but do not miss exercise as it is the primary key to our own health and well being.


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