
Showing posts from October, 2015

To remove dead skins on lips

Lips getting dry and start to peel out is common problem. Sometimes get splits in the lips and start bleeding thus giving an unpleasant feel. Lips dryness can be addressed by applying lip balm or moisturiser to it. But before applying lip balm, removing the dry or dead skin from the lips is very important. Here is a simple home remedy with readily available kitchen ingredient to remove such dead skins.  Ingredients: Brown sugar or white sugar Coconut oil or olive oil. Procedure: Coarsely powder your brown or white sugar and add little bit of coconut oil or olive oil and make it to like thick paste. Essentially the oil is to stick the sugar powder together. Store it in a container. Apply once or twice on your lips, rub or scrub gently, leave it for a minute and wash it off with luke warm water. Better not to use hot water, as it takes our the moisture from the skin. This is will remove the dead skins from your lips.

Natural home remedies for sore throat

Remedy 1: Take warm water, dissolve some salt and do gargle nicely as to feel the warmth of water in the throat. I always use crystal salt for gargling. On my personal opinion, I feel that crystal salt works better for me than compared to powdered salt. Remedy 2: In boiled milk, add some black pepper powder and tumeric powder and drink warm. It can be taken twice a day. If you want some sweetness you can also add little honey to the milk along with pepper and turmeric. 

Arugampul (Bermuda grass) Health Benefits

Arugampul (Bermuda grass) Health Benefits Called as Arugampul in Tamil also known as Bermuda Grass is commonly available in every household. The juice of this grass lot of health benefits. It is one of the important herb used in Siddha medicines. Following are the some of health benefits of Arugampul juice. Quenches thirst Improves red blood cells in body as it has more chlorophyl Improves digestion and reduces acidity Heals wounds, when arugampul paste or juice applied directly on fresh wounds, it helps in blood clot sooner. When this juice is taken in empty stomach, it removes toxins from the body Strengthens nerve systems Improves breast milk production Helps in treating urinary infection This juice and turmeric powder is good to cure skin problems such as skin rashes, itching, eczema, leprosy and scabies Helps in increasing immunity Prevent and treats cold and helps in removing phlegm from the body

Kollu | Horse Gram Health Benefits

 Kollu | Horse Gram Health Benefits Horse gram is commonly called as Kollu or Kaanam  in Tamil has lot of medicinal and health benefits when taken as raw or cooked. It is widely used in Ayurvedic medicines.  Horse gram is rich in iron, calcium and protein. It is one of the richest protein source for vegetarians. Commonly used to treat cold and fever Since it low in fat and high in carbohydrate. As its slow digestible, it is effective for treating obesity and diabetics Great anti-oxidant Regular in-take of Horse gram helps in treating Kidney stones Caution: Pregnant women, people recovering from tuberculosis should not consume horse gram 

Amazing Health Benefits of Neem

Amazing Health Benefits of Neem “Neem- the most valuable medicinal tree in the world” Souce: Dr.Neem Hakim, International Centre for Integrated Herbal Research and Development(ICIHRD)  In our country India, neem trees are available everywhere. Neem products starting from leaves, flowers, fruits, twigs, seeds and oil are used in ancient medicines. In our modern busy life we forgot the health benefits that it can bring to us. Medical Applications: Antibacterial Antioxidant Boils Anticarcinogenic Antiparasitic Blood Detoxifier Anticlotting Antiperiodontic Diuretic Antifertility Antiseptic Eye Disease Antihyperglycemic Antituberculosis Immunomodulatory Anti-inflammatory Antiulcer Pimple Antimalarial Antiviral Skin diseases Antimicrobial Antiworm Spermicidal Source: Pamela Paterson, 'Neem the Wonder Tree' From my school days, when me and my sisters go t