
Showing posts from July, 2017

Eye Care for Tired Eyes

My story of discomfort in my eyes  I'm a Software Engineer by profession. As any other software professional, I too spend lot of time sitting in front of computer. Off late I have been complaining about mild pain in the eye, not being able to see bright display especially projector display for not more the 15 minutes. Few months back, this discomfort in my eyes become severe to an extend that I was unable to see computer screen not more than ten minutes. Visited multiple hospitals and every where I heard the same "COMPUTER VISION SYNDROME" and "DRY EYES" . All the doctors I have visited prescribed me tear drops to be used 3 to 4 times a day and no end time mentioned for its usage. This drops are supposed to prevent the eyes getting dry. As soon as the doctors suggested that this drops can be used life long and as and when I have discomfort in my eyes, I have decided that I am not going to use it for life long. Eye Massage  Then I googled lot about &

Small Onion Hair Pack to Stop Hair Loss

This is how I reduced my hair loss In the past one year I have lost lot of hair like never before. I have tried lot of home remedies like castor oil massage, methi pack, curry leave pack etc. Finally tried small onion pack for the past four weeks and started seeing results already. The amount of hair I loss during every day has reduced.. So feeling happy about it. I will continue this to keep the hair healthy. Ingredient Small Onion / Shallot / Sambar Onion - 1 hand full Procedure Peel the onions and grid to a fine paste in mixer without adding any water.  Apply the paste to the scalp and gently massage with finger tips.  Leave it on the scalp for 30 to 45 minutes.  Wash it with mild shampoo or Shikakai. Frequency I applied once a week. This pack can be applied once in three days too.